Inviting us to your Wix site
Easy instructions on how to add us
If you hired us to help you build your Wix website, would like us to take a peak under the hood, we will need access to your Wix website. To grant access to Market Street as a contributor to your Wix site, you need to access the Roles & Permissions section inside your site settings. Follow along below for full instructions.
1. Login to wix.com
Login to Wix.com
If you have more than one website inside your Wix account, select the site you would like to add us to.

2. Click 'Site Actions' > 'Invite People'
Click the 'Site Actions' button at the top right of your dashboard screen.
Select 'Invite People' from the dropdown menu

3. Enter email address of contributor, select Role and Send Invite
On the next screen, type in the email jacob@marketstreetweb.com
Select the role 'Admin (Co-Owner)'
Click the blue 'Send Invite' button at the top right of the page

4. Indicate that we are an Agency you work with
One last step is to let Wix know who you're inviting
Check the radio button to indicate we are an Agency you work with
Click 'Done' to finish the process.